Brightside Bubble Bar from Lush

Out of all of the bubble bars that Lush have on offer, Brightside is the one that I could never, ever get bored of. It is my most used bubble bar to date and in my personal opinion, one of the best bubble bars Lush have ever created.

Its scent is fruitylicious, containing Sicilian mandarin, bergamot and tangerine essential oils it is a citrus junkies dream product.

Within seconds of first picking it up in my local Lush store I was well and truly hooked.

A Brightside bath is both uplifting and refreshing. After a grueling hydrotherapy session I look forward to nothing more than getting home and getting into a beautifully scented, orange-coloured water filled bubble bath. For my tired out, overworked body it works wonders.

Brightside Bubble Bar new

What first attracted me to the larger bubble bars such as Brightside was that they can be used over more than one bath. Many people break their Brightside bubble bars in half. I however like to spread mine out over more than just the 2 baths. One Brightside bubble bar can easily be used in 6 to 8 baths. Running the tiniest amount under the hot tap (see photo below) gives you copious amounts of cheery, fluffy-white bubbles.

I have of course experimented using much bigger chunks of the Brightside bubble bar for just the one bath too. It made for a fantastic bath, I just felt as if it was a bit wasteful.

I found that using less gave me just as good as a result which makes it a no brainer, anything that can be made more cost effective without lowering its quality is a winner for me.


A frequently asked question in regards to Lush bubble bars is, ‘How do you use them?‘ It is of course completely up to you.

Some people crumble bits off, followed by holding it in their hand under a running tap, rubbing it gently as the water rinses over it. I however can’t use that method as we currently only have 2 taps on our bath, scalding hot or whoops my hand’s turned to ice cold.

I prefer to have mine broken into chunks, I store them all in jars. When I want a Brightside bath I get a few of the chunks and put them in a tea bag strainer, I then run that under the hot tap, scaled free.


It’s really awkward to try and get a photograph of the bubble bars once in the bath. For a review I want to showcase the water’s colour as well as the amount of bubbles it creates, getting a photo of both in one shot is however very tricky!

The above photo is the best I could get of Brightside in the bath. You’ll have to take my word for it, the mounds of soft white bubbles from the smallest bit of bubble bar fill up your bath effortlessly.

The orange water it creates is also surreal. The first time my boyfriend used a bit of it for his own bath he described it as, ‘having a bath in Fanta.’ I thought exactly the same. Its scent reminds me of orange ice lollies. I describe it as surreal because the first thought that crosses your mind when you’re about to get in it is, ‘it’s got to be sticky to smell this good?!‘ It however isn’t sticky and for me, ever since my first Brightside bath, bath time has never been the same again!

Overall I obviously really, really like this bubble bar. It not only revives my body but my mind too. It makes my skin feel soft and fresh, ready to take on the rest of the day.

It’s name is suited for it perfectly, if you could capture sunshine and happiness and then put it in a bath product you’d get the Brightside bubble bar every single time. It’s really worth a try.

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Author: Lulu

Hello, my name is Lulu and I am a 33 year old with a very unhealthy obsession with Lush Cosmetics. I mostly blog about Lush but I also do posts that touch upon disability, mental health and invisible illnesses on various other social media platforms. If you can read this then I guess I should thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you again soon! :)

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