So White Bath Bomb from Lush

So White Bath BombI will never fully understand why people walk straight past and ignore the plain Lush products such as the So White Bath Bomb. Yes it’s white and on first glance admittedly boring but how do you know what’s inside?  Never judge a book by its cover…

You’ll realise once you begin to take note of what ingredients each Lush product has that bath bombs have so much more going for them than just their colour or shape. Initially a bath bomb is a quick and easy way to practice aromatherapy at home, once you start to learn about all of the essential oils and fresh ingredients that Lush use, you start to understand all of the benefits to gain in using each and every individual product.

So White is a fantastically big and bulky sized bath bomb, I hadn’t used this particular one prior to 2015 but will admit to being really excited about trying it out as I believe the plainer bath bombs have hidden secrets!

Once the So White bath bomb hits the water it begins to fizz away, slowly revealing its not ‘so white’ innards. Small streaks of pink start to fill your bathtub, the pink streaks getting more and more noticeable as time goes by.

I am a huge fan of the colour pink and was therefore very, very happy that this bath bomb, just like the Luxury Lush Pud left you with pretty, pink bath water.

The gorgeous apple scent of this slow dissolving bath bomb lets ones imagination run wild.  It fills my bathroom with the sweet scent of fresh, crisp apples and I can never help but think of the scene in Snow White where the Evil Queen tricks poor Snow into taking a bite from the cursed apple…

I can still smell the scent of the So White bath bomb on my skin once I have got out of the bath, the very first time that I tried it I could not stop sniffing myself which is always a good sign!

A So White bath always leaves me calm, uplifted and eager to drag out my Disney DVD’s.

I will most certainly be stocking up on this beautiful bath bomb before the end of winter this year (2015) as it’s one of my favourite Winter products of all time. Try it yourself, you won’t regret it!

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Author: Lulu

Hello, my name is Lulu and I am a 33 year old with a very unhealthy obsession with Lush Cosmetics. I mostly blog about Lush but I also do posts that touch upon disability, mental health and invisible illnesses on various other social media platforms. If you can read this then I guess I should thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you again soon! :)