Once Upon A Time Naked Body Lotion from Lush

Once Upon A Time Naked Body LotionLast year (2017) Lush jam packed their shelves and online stock space with brand new, packageless ‘naked’ products. They created naked shower gels, naked shower creams, naked body conditioners and even naked lip scrubs. The Once Upon A Time Naked Body Lotion was also a new Lush invention from 2017, no other Lush body lotion had ever been made into a solid/naked form before, this meant the Once Upon A Time naked body lotion had a lot riding on its shoulders.

I got on really well with the potted version of Once Upon A Time body lotion so thought I’d give the naked version a go too. Although there’s a small piece of me that wishes Lush would just continue to sell body lotions and shower gels in pots and bottles, I can understand and appreciate the reasons as to why Lush are working towards creating naked everything. The world is at bursting point with plastic waste and if naked cosmetic products make even a little difference to our environment then it’s worth at least giving the naked products a try.

The Once Upon A Time naked body lotion is a proud member of the So White, Lush-scent-family. Both the naked and potted versions smell just as refreshing and crisp as the So White bath bomb. The sweet scent of fresh apples will always be welcome in my bathroom whatever the products format.

Apart from the obvious there really isn’t much difference between the potted and naked Once Upon A Time body lotions. Just like the potted Once Upon A Time, the naked Once Upon A Time goes a very long way. Instead of scooping lotion out and working it into your skin, you instead grab the green block of body lotion and work it into the parts of your body that are looking for a boost of hydration. The naked version works just as well as the potted version, the only significant difference is that I find the naked version slightly more oily. All this really means is that the naked version takes a little longer to soak in to your skin compared to the potted version.

I admit that storing the naked products is a little difficult due to it being packageless. It not being in a pot does however have its practical as well as ethical advantages too. Especially if you’re like me and have bad hands (therefore not being able to open lids easily). I am currently storing my naked Lush products on a rack in a bathroom cupboard. The naked products that come into contact with water such as the shower gels and body conditioners, will need to be left out to dry before storing them away in a closed box or cupboard etc BUT the Once Upon A Time naked body lotion is however fine to go straight onto the rack after use.

I feel like I should also add that they need to be stored somewhere slightly cooler than room temperature too, just like Lush massage bars the naked body lotion and conditioners do begin to melt if left somewhere warm enough. The naked and potted versions of Once Upon A Time are both great, they each have their own strong points but both give the same results upon use. Right now I still feel as if I favour the potted products but just from a practical point. I’m never very good with change and I’ve grown to love Lush’s little black pots with their funky white text. Nothing has been confirmed as of yet but I believe Lush will be pushing naked products further and further this year so I’m keeping an open mind and giving them all a go.

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Author: Lulu

Hello, my name is Lulu and I am a 33 year old with a very unhealthy obsession with Lush Cosmetics. I mostly blog about Lush but I also do posts that touch upon disability, mental health and invisible illnesses on various other social media platforms. If you can read this then I guess I should thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you again soon! :)

One thought on “Once Upon A Time Naked Body Lotion from Lush”

  1. I managed to miss this. Though I’m not that keen on their naked versions of the shower gel, as they’re not much different to soap and mine have got crystals on the outside of them now for some reason, but I can see solid lotions working. I used to quite like the massage bars which this reminds me of but they were so greasy and left oily marks on my sheets or clothes so I gave up on them. I think I’d still keep these in a pot, I don’t trust them not to melt allover everything in warmer weather like a massage bar did! Interesting to see if they go down the naked route for all moisturisers in the future, I’ll have to see what they’re like in store if they do.


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