Papa Noël Face Wash Jelly from Lush

Papa Noel Face Wash Jelly.pngWhen I first see that Lush Cosmetics had created a Face Wash Jelly I was a little apprehensive. Don’t get me wrong, I trust Lush and all of their ideas completely, it just took me a bit of time to get my head around.

When it comes to my face I am always wary, I have the craziest skin that can never make its mind up. One day it can be crying out for hydration, the next I’m spotty and then sometimes it can also be super greasy and then the vicious circle begins again.

Declaring that my skin is the ‘combination’ type is the understatement of the century, it’s indecisive, annoying and a nightmare to keep on top of.

The first time that I actually see the Papa Noël Face Wash Jelly was at the Lush Creative Showcase 2016. I was still uncertain at the thought of trying it, I had however had the very same feelings before I tried Lush’s shower jellies, with this at the back of my mind, I didn’t hesitate to pick up a pot. After all, it was such an interesting and new concept that I couldn’t not pick one up, even if it was just for the novelty factor…


As you can see from the photograph above Papa Noël Face Wash Jelly is in fact a mask of some sorts. Some people have chopped theirs up into pieces using a chunk a time, I have however left mine all together – for now anyway.

It has a refreshing citrus scent although it’s not quite as tangy as the likes of the Snowman Shower Jelly. I am a huge fan of all things citrus and although Papa Noël is by all means a citrus scent it’s slightly more delicate than I am used to from Lush. This could however be a  positive point. After all, the product is for your face so, (no pun intended) the less in your face the scent is, the better.

I was pleasantly surprised when I first used this face wash. It lathered up within seconds and left my face feeling well cleansed, brighter and smoother. I found that it was really good at clearing out my most troublesome and stubborn pores too.

What has also impressed me is how long it has lasted. I have used it several times now and there doesn’t appear to be any signs of it getting any smaller. One of the things that won me over with the shower jellies is their staying power. Papa Noël, is just as I had originally described my first shower jelly Santa’s Belly, almost indestructible!


I am very, very surprised at how well I got on with this brand new face wash jelly. I wasn’t expecting very much at all, I thought it was just a novelty product that would be a prop for a good selfie or two.

After I have used it my face feels really clean, it seems to have helped the condition of my skin too, since using it I still get the odd dry patch but it seems to keep any excess oil at bay throughout the whole day.

As I have said, I am really fussy when it comes to products for my face and I really wasn’t expecting such positive results from the Papa Noël face wash jelly. I am sorry Lush, I underestimated you again and by now I really, really should know better…

One thing I would like to add to this review is that I wouldn’t recommend using Papa Noël every day, this is however how I feel about all cosmetic products. I find that alternating cosmetic products keeps your skin on its toes. There’s nothing worse than a product that works great for you but because you use it so often your skin begins to get so used to it that it doesn’t do such a great job anymore.

Overall I am thoroughly impressed, when it comes down to skin care it’s near on impossible for me to be so impressed. I am no longer apprehensive in regards to further releases of Lush face wash jellies, I can’t wait to see if Lush have any more on the horizon?

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Author: Lulu

Hello, my name is Lulu and I am a 33 year old with a very unhealthy obsession with Lush Cosmetics. I mostly blog about Lush but I also do posts that touch upon disability, mental health and invisible illnesses on various other social media platforms. If you can read this then I guess I should thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you again soon! :)

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