Kiss Me Quick Shower Jelly from Lush

The Kiss Me Quick Shower Jelly is a brand-new, limited-edition product from Lush’s 2024 Valentine’s Day line. Designed to look just like a big, juicy pair of lips I couldn’t wait to give it a try in the shower.

Kiss Me Quick is a fairly small, darker red shower jelly. at just 85g, it fits perfectly in my hand making it very easy to use.

The Kiss Me Quick shower jelly contains fresh strawberry juice, fair trade aloe vera gel, clove bud oil, mimosa absolute and tonka absolute.

It shares its scent with the Kiss Me Quick wash card from Lush’s 2018 Valentine’s line. Straight out of the pot it’s an intensely sweet strawberry like fragrance.

With Kiss Me Quick being a novelty shaped shower jelly, I wondered how long it would last as unfortunately I find more often than not, that the novelty shaped jellies aren’t always as sturdy and robust as the normal pot shaped ones.

As predicted, the Kiss Me Quick shower jelly did begin falling apart after just a few uses. However, I’d rather use it and lose it than not use it at all! So far, I’ve used it 3 times and although it is showing wear and tear, there’s plenty more to go around yet.

There is no right or wrong way to use a shower jelly, I prefer to use mine in the same way as you would a bar of soap, whole. Some people however chop their shower jellies up using a few pieces at a time, this is a good method if you’re sharing it with someone else.

If you do keep it whole, as I mentioned above, the Kiss Me Quick shower jelly is just the right size to fit snuggly in your hand. It is a lot easier to keep a hold of in the shower being this size. Once you’ve used it simply rinse it off and then pop it back into the pot until you next want to use it.

The Kiss Me Quick shower jelly lathers up quickly, once you have enough of it in your hands pop the shower jelly back in its pot and start to rub your hands together, this is the point where the shower jellies residue turns super milky. A very small amount of it goes a long way, I think I only lathered up the shower jelly in my hands 3 or 4 times before placing it back in the pot.

As I stated earlier, The Kiss Me Quick shower jellies scent is quite intense. As soon as you take the pots lid off, you are hit with its strawberry fragrance BUT in use, the scent seems to change somewhat. Mixed alongside the hot water and steam of the shower, the clove bud oil seems to take over making it a spicy strawberry scent. On paper, it sounds like a spicy strawberry wouldn’t work, yet it does!

After using the Kiss Me Quick shower jelly my skin feels soft, warm, and perfectly refreshed. The clove bud oil in it has made it one of my favourite Winter products. It warms and soothes my cold achy muscles just as well as the likes of the Hot Toddy shower gel.

Overall, I really enjoyed using the Kiss Me Quick shower jelly a lot more than I thought I would, it’s such a unique fragrance, fruity yet spicy. I’d love to see it released in other product formats in the future.

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Big Squeeze Bath Bomb from Lush (UK edition)

The Big Squeeze Bath Bomb is a brand-new, limited-edition product from Lush’s 2024 Valentine’s Day line.

Valentine’s day is traditionally celebrated with your romantic partner, but this year Lush have made several products that cater to a celebration of love in general, love for your friends, love for your family, all things LOVE.

Big Squeeze is a two coloured, heart shaped bath bomb; One side is purplish blue, and the other side is pink. Each side has a little cartoon face on and one arm each, they are embracing each other in a ‘big squeeze’ of a cuddle!

The Big Squeeze bath bomb contains both juniperberry and sweet wild orange giving it a sour grape scent.

Being honest as always, it’s not one of my favourite Lush scents, it’s quite artificial and incredibly strong but I’ll speak more about that when we get onto what happens to the bath bomb once it is placed into your bath water.

Weighing in at approximately 135g each, the Big Squeeze bath bomb is quite big but thinner than your average Lush bath bomb. I have heard of some people snapping it in half to use over two baths or to share it with a friend, but I wanted to use my one whole.

As soon as the Big Squeeze bath bomb touches the water you are greeted with a gentle stream of purplish blue and pink bubbles. The coloured bubbles are incredibly foamy, growing as the bath bomb fizzes away.

The Big Squeeze bath bomb is not fantastic bath-art-wise despite it being two very bold colours, I was expecting a little more bath art but with it being a fast fizzer it wasn’t meant to be.

The Big Squeeze bath bomb takes approximately three and a half minutes to fully dissolve and turns your bath water a barley-pink colour. The scent is still strong but slightly gentler once the bath bomb has fully dissolved.

Which, I find is a much more tolerable scent-strength for a bath bomb with a fragrance this powerful.

I found the waters left behind by the Big Squeeze bath bomb smooth and silky to the touch. The scent remains in your bathroom (although not as strongly) for a good two to three hours after you pull the plug too.

The scent can also still be detected on your skin long after getting out of the bath but again, not nearly as strong as the bath bomb’s scent is before you place it into your bath water; I actually much prefer the sour grape scent when it is more subtle.

How it smells on my skin once I’m out of the bath actually won the product over for me.

In the end I really enjoyed using the Big Squeeze bath bomb, I’d have maybe liked some more bath art from it but that’s just me being picky!

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Posh White Chocolate and Rose Body Wash from Lush

The Posh White Chocolate and Rose Body Wash was first released by Lush as a part of their 2024 Valentine’s Day line. It seems to be a loved-up sibling of the current staple-store-product, Posh Chocolate body wash.

Posh White Chocolate comes in both a 100g pot and 225g pot. I always recommend getting the bigger pot for products like these as you are guaranteed to want more once you start using it. The last smaller potted product that I got from Lush was the Tropical Co-Mingle body scrub, I got through it so quickly, I can only hope Lush bring it back so I can get it again in a much bigger pot.

The Posh White Chocolate and Rose body wash contains fair-trade organic aloe vera gel, rose water, coconut milk powder, Australian sandalwood oil, vanilla absolute, rose oil, fair-trade Colombian cocoa butter, and rose bud heads for decoration.

Fresh from the pot the Posh White Chocolate and Rose body wash smells just like chocolate but with a rose water twist.

In the photo above you can see the gold sprayed rose buds that decorate the top of the Posh White Chocolate and Rose body wash. Before I used this body wash I took them out and put them to one side. As I said earlier, I believe they are purely decorational but I saved mine to use in a later bath, the buds used this way remind me of the the Tisty Tosty bath bomb!

The Posh White Chocolate and Rose body wash’s consistency is a lot creamier than the Posh Chocolate body wash that I mentioned earlier. Posh Chocolate is a lot like butter icing, but Posh White Chocolate and Rose body wash is more like a thick body lotion.

It’s a very light cream but lathers up quickly and with minimum effort, it almost feels like it melts into your skin as you spread it over yourself.

With it being such a creamy consistency, I was unsure at first on how much of the product I needed to use per shower. My main worry was that using too much would leave my skin feeling oily BUT as soon as I used the White Chocolate and Rose body wash, I noticed that it seemed to soak right in, gliding onto my skin like butter on hot toast.

A small amount of the White Chocolate and Rose body wash goes a very long way. A blob that is about the same size as a two-pound coin is probably a lot more than you need for your whole body making the Posh White Chocolate and Rose body wash excellent value for money.

I love that there’s no need to use a shower gel after using it, it’s the perfect mix of a shower wash and skin conditioner.

During use, the scent of the rose water and oil in the body wash comes through much stronger when mixed with the steam and hot water from the shower.

The White Chocolate and Rose body wash is incredibly nourishing for your skin. Once you’ve lathered it up and washed your body with it, simply rinse it off just as you would a shower gel.

Its scent stays on your skin for about an hour after you have used it and your skin stays hydrated and smooth right up until your next shower, there is no need to use a body lotion afterwards making the White Chocolate and Rose body wash a time saving product too!

Overall, I adore the Posh White Chocolate and Rose body wash, I love the scent, the blend of chocolate and roses really fits in with the whole theme of Valentine’s Day. I also love how it feels lathering it up on my skin and how gentle a formula it is too.

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