Human Rights Showder from Lush

The Human Rights Showder is Lush’s latest charity product. All of the money (minus VAT) from the sales of this product goes to support the vital work of EachOther, a small UK-focused charity that uses independent journalism, storytelling and film making to tell the stories that would otherwise go unheard.

The Human Rights showder is raising awareness that in the UK, the essential human rights that we all rely on to protect us are under threat. Our rights exist to protect us all from persecution and safeguard the most marginalised members of our society.

Here’s a direct link to the EachOther Instagram page (EachOtherUK) so you can get a better idea on what Lush and Eachother are trying to achieve together. The UK are currently up against potentially being pulled out of the European Court of Human Rights, something that I believe shouldn’t even be up for discussion.

Thank you to Lush for sending me out a box of this so that I could be a part of the campaign. As a disabled woman the idea behind losing any more than I already have, terrifies me.

For anyone who hasn’t experienced a Lush showder before, I suspect you’re wondering what a showder even is… A showder is quite simply a shower-powder. To use a showder all you have to do is take a handful of the powder from its box, then add water.

The Showder then foams up and creates a lovely thick lather. The reaction is not dissimilar to how a bath bomb reacts when it first gets wet. Once you have it all mixed up, you use it just as you would a shower gel.

Human Rights is a sky blue colour, just like its box. It shares its scent with Salt Water Soother bath bomb and contains a mixture of extra virgin coconut, peppermint, eucalyptus and spearmint oil. Its scent is super uplifting, using it in the morning gives me a real boost.

Scent wise, the most dominant of the oils in the Human Rights showder that I can smell are the spearmint and eucalyptus. Before now, I have reviewed showders and mentioned how impractical a carboard boxed product is for the shower.

However, the Human Rights showder seems to be in a much easier to handle box than previous showders. While you still can’t keep the box in the shower with you, getting a small amount of the showder out is a lot easier to do now, I now just grab a small handful before I jump in the shower. All you need to do is tip a little out into your hand.

As showders go, I was surprised at how far the showder powder goes, normally I’d have to use quite a lot of showder to get a decent lather but the Human Rights showder foams up quickly and creates a soft yet scrubby foam that not only cleans your skin but leaves your skin feeling cool too.

I am going to be taking full advantage of this showders cooling properties and energy boosting fragrance when Summer finally arrives!

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