Happy Hippy Shower Gel from Lush

The Happy Hippy Shower Gel has been a staple product both online and in Lush stores for so long that it’s practically part of the furniture. It first came out long before I got into Lush, which makes me wonder why it has taken me so long to get a review of it up on my blog? Well, here it is. Better late than never! 😉

Back in March Lush were kind enough to send me a bottle of it so what better time to review it as a thank you, I always appreciate the PR parcels more than words can explain.

The Happy Hippy shower gel is a transparent light yellow shower gel. Lush describe it as ‘a zesty wake up call, that awakens your skin and enlivens your mind.’

At the time of writing this review I have only reviewed one other product that shares its scent, one side of the Happy Pill bath bomb is Happy Hippy scented, and the other side shares its scent with The Olive branch shower gel.

The Happy Hippy shower gel contains grapefruit water, fresh pink grapefruit infusion, fresh grapefruit juice, grapefruit oil, bergamot oil and olibanum oil.

I’d describe its scent as a gentle grapefruit fragrance; Normally grapefruit scents are super strong and can make you wince a little from the sharpness.

Happy Hippy’s scent is powerful enough to add a spring in your step but not so powerful it blows your head off. The bergamot and olibanum seem to round off the sharpness of all of the grapefruit ingredients in it, making it a much more tolerable yet still very energising scent.

A small amount of the Happy Hippy shower gel goes a very long way, it’s quite a thick consistency too but not at all difficult to get out of the bottle. on several occasions I have even used it on my hair as a shampoo.

The Happy Hippy shower gels scent really steps up a notch when it is combined with the hot water and steam from your shower. It lathers up easily and feels delightful on your skin. I have never found it a particularly moisturising shower gel, but it does cleanse your skin well, while also leaving it looking brighter too.

Unfortunately, the Happy Hippy scent doesn’t remain on my skin for very long after use BUT when I use it in my hair the scent can still be detected for a few hours after – although it is very subtle.

I don’t use it on my hair very often but if I’m away from home and limited to what I can take with me it works as both a shower gel and a one off shampoo every now and again.

If you are looking for a new shower gel to use to help wake you up in the morning, Happy Hippy would be a very good choice for you.

I can only apologise as to why it has taken me so long to write up and post this review. My lack of review is not a reflection on how I feel about the product AT ALL. I just get so caught up in the seasonal stock that sometimes the stock that has always been there like the Happy Hippy shower gets completely overlooked.

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Author: Lulu

Hello, my name is Lulu and I am a 33 year old with a very unhealthy obsession with Lush Cosmetics. I mostly blog about Lush but I also do posts that touch upon disability, mental health and invisible illnesses on various other social media platforms. If you can read this then I guess I should thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you again soon! :)

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