The One With Lavender Bath Bomb from Lush

Out of the 29 bath bombs in the 2024 World Bath Bomb Day collection, there are four special ones that can be categorised in their own little group. All of their names start with, ‘The One With…’ and each of them are mini bombshell-bath-bombs. (see photo of all four of them together in the photo directly below)

A bombshell bath bomb is a bath bomb with a little extra something inside. Usually, Lush make their bombshells a lot bigger, which is why I wrongly assumed that they were all just ordinary bath bombs…

I only found out that they were bombshell bath bombs after I had used one. The first one that I tried was, The One With Lavender Bath Bomb.

On first appearance I thought that The One With Lavender was quite a plain looking bath bomb, especially compared to most of the other 29 bath bombs in the 2024 World Bath Bomb Day collection.

The One With Lavender has a very uncomplicated design; It is a light shade of purple and is the size and shape of the average Lush bath bomb. Decoration wise it has a single sprig of lavender placed on its top.

While I thought in a first impression that the, The One With Lavender bath bomb looked plain; Having used a lot of Lush products over the years I am now a little wiser than I was and always have in the back of my mind that the plainer products can quite often be the products that surprise you the most!

This is why I decided to get and give each of the, ‘The One With’ bath bombs a try.

I also have to remind myself that not everyone favours the big, bold, eye-catching, all-bells-and-whistles bath bombs. Sometimes you just want a quick and simple bath but with a pinch of something extra.

Running a bath and throwing in a bath bomb is one of the easiest and quickest ways to practice aromatherapy at home after all!

The first time that I used The One With Lavender bath bomb I was feeling tired and restless so thought a lavender based bath bomb would not only help me wind down but also hopefully get me on track for getting a better night’s sleep.

Sometimes I fancy a bath bomb that spills out bright and colourful bath art but that night, I wasn’t fussed with theatrics and just wanted to lay back and relax.

The One With Lavender bath bomb was therefore the most obvious choice for me.

The, The One With Lavender bath bomb contains dried lavender flowers, organic lavender oil and a lavender stem.

The scent of The One With Lavender bath bomb is as its name and overall ingredient list suggests, a light herbal, blend of all things lavender.

My friend described it as a cloud of herbal solitude, I couldn’t think of a better description, Lush need to hire him already! His Instagram account is @the_lush_box, you’re welcome!

Lavender is a very popular ingredient, not just at Lush but in the whole of the cosmetics industry.

The first time I ever went into a Lush store many years ago, a sales assistant asked me what kind of thing I was looking for and my socially awkward self-had no idea what I wanted, then the word lavender popped into my head and then came out of my mouth.

I ended up buying a Twilight bath bomb and gift set with a mini bottle of the Twilight shower gel in. Both were products that went on to ensure that I was a Lush customer for life.

I did say earlier that I always expect the unexpected when I use Lush products and The One With Lavender bath bomb was an experience indeed…

As soon as the bath bomb comes in contact with the water there is a gentle hiss of light purple bubbles sizzling out of it.

I thought with the bath bomb looking so plain that, that was that and went to lay back then all of a sudden I felt a tickle on my legs and heard what sounded like something hollow filling up with water and air, it was almost like the bath bomb was gulping…

Then what I can only describe as a swarm of dried lavender flowers burst out of it, that’s when I realised this wasn’t just a plain-old-bath-bomb, it was a bombshell bath bomb bursting at the seams with dried lavender!

After the explosion of dried lavender, it took about one more minute for the bath bomb to fully dissolve. This last 60 seconds took the bath bombs total ‘melt time’ to just under three minutes.

While I wasn’t expecting quite as much lavender as it had and was a little shocked by the amount, it made for a really great bathing experience.

Clean up took a little longer than I like but I really think it was worth the extra effort. I’m not 100% on what would happen if you let all of the lavender go down your plug hole, but I scooped most of it out with a sieve before pulling the plug.

Then once the bits of lavender that got left behind had dried, I used a dustpan and brush to sweep the rest up. This clean up method also works well with the shimmery Lush bath bombs.

Overall, I loved the, The One With Lavender bath bomb and can confirm that after using it I slept better than I normally would!

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Author: Lulu

Hello, my name is Lulu and I am a 33 year old with a very unhealthy obsession with Lush Cosmetics. I mostly blog about Lush but I also do posts that touch upon disability, mental health and invisible illnesses on various other social media platforms. If you can read this then I guess I should thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you again soon! :)

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