Brother Moon Bath Bomb from Lush

Today I am reviewing the brand-new Brother Moon Bath Bomb from Lush’s 2024 World Bath Bomb Day collection.

If you’ve been a lushie for a while you may be getting a feeling of déjà vu when you look at the Brother Moon bath bomb, this is because it looks very similar to the Moon Bath bath bomb from the 2022 Christmas line.

Where Moon Bath is orange, Brother Moon is two shades of blue, and where Moon Bath is gold, Brother Moon is silver.

They both have the same half-moon shaped face too; They are definitely related but both of their scents are very different.

The Brother Moon bath bomb contains geranium oil, grapefruit oil and rose oil. It is a brand-new Lush scent so hasn’t featured in any other Lush product at the time of writing this review.

Lush describe the Brother Moon bath bomb as the perfect bath bomb to shift you from day to night. Its scent is very floral but has a zesty grapefruit twist, with notes of green rhubarb too. It’s as juicy as it is calming.

Each of the Brother Moon bath bombs are approximately 180g each fitting easily in my hand. With its cute moon design, I couldn’t wait to use it.

As soon as the Brother Moon bath bomb encounters your bath water there is an explosion of thick blue foam. Slowly the foam thins out. As the whole of the bath bomb becomes submerged you can see that both of its sides are two different shades of blue.

It doesn’t take long for the bath bomb to start spinning. I must admit, after reading the products description stating that the Brother Moon bath bomb created ‘astronomical bath art’ I was expecting something on par with the bath art created by the Passion bath bomb.

Now I’ve used it, I know the bath art is a lot less subtle than what the Passion bath bomb creates, I’d compare it to the small amount of bath art that the Twilight bath bomb creates.

The purple, blue and silver bath art it creates is still very pretty, I just wouldn’t describe it as astronomical myself.

The selling point for this bath bomb for me is its scent. If you do like the more subtle colours like those found in the Twilight bath bomb, I recommend giving Brother Moon a try, not all the best bath bombs create bright and bold bath art after all!

The Brother Moon bath bomb took 25 minutes to fully dissolve, It’s very likely that I have come across a bath bomb from Lush that has taken this long to dissolve before but if I have, I can’t remember it.

I was really surprised at how long it took. Again, the bath art wasn’t crazy-good (see the photo below) but with it being a bath bomb for the nighttime, maybe a slow dissolving, less in-your-face display of colour is better suited. It certainly helped me wind down.

I did find myself topping up the hot water while this bath bomb did its thing, which is something I never normally have to do, Not a complaint, just an observation.

The water left behind is a dark shade of blue, the silver flecks that made up the moon seem to have stuck together in bigger clumps which is quite unique for a bath bomb like this, normally it would break down completely creating a fine-shimmery water.

I loved the bigger flecks, it added something a little more special to the end-water-result.

I do wonder if it’s because of how long it took the Brother Moon bath bomb to dissolve but the scent could still be smelt in my bedroom long after I pulled the plug.

I used it quite early in the morning and when my husband got home from work at about 6pm, he asked me what it was that I had used as it smelt lovely!

Using the Brother Moon bath bomb left my skin lightly fragranced and feeling soft. I couldn’t help but notice how hydrated my skin felt and how much brighter it looked after using it too.

Overall, I really enjoyed using the Brother Moon bath bomb. I loved its new unique scent and have my fingers crossed we’ll see it in other product formats in the near future.

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Author: Lulu

Hello, my name is Lulu and I am a 33 year old with a very unhealthy obsession with Lush Cosmetics. I mostly blog about Lush but I also do posts that touch upon disability, mental health and invisible illnesses on various other social media platforms. If you can read this then I guess I should thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you again soon! :)

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